Welcome to my official list of things I like or even love!

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I don't think I have to explain myself with this one, but when I see a kitten somenthing inside my heart just melts and it makes me want to cuddle with them and take care of them, and like spoiled them and hugged them. I think cats are very fascinating creautures. I'm sure they understand what we say to them, but they just don't want to answer back. I like all type of cats, any color and size, not just kittens. In case you were wondering, no I don't own a cat, even tho I would like to adopt one. I've though of names like "Emil Sinclair" or "Anastasia Poliakova" for a kitty. I don't know, I think cats are one of the best animals to ever exist on earth.

I like to learn about a ton of things, especially, science, books and idioms. I'm trilingual (I aim to be poliglot by the way) and I just love to compare how different languages approach the same subject, for example german is very well structured, one word has so much informatio in itself, so it's difficult to misunderstand what the other person wants to say; but english is more flexible and spanish has a great vocabulary. About science, well you just never end to research and books are entries to other worlds. Yo will never lose time reading a book, never, even if you don't like it at the end. You just aren't the same person when you finish a book.

Laughing to the point your ribs start to hurt
At that point of laughter I just start to hit the table or random things. I love when I get to laugh that way. When I talk shit with my friends and tell me stuff from night shifts (what the fuck is up with night shifts? The craziest stories come from that daytime) or stuff that happens on campus or shit we say at recess, we reach that point when we cannot control laughter. I laugh this way with my mom too, we find the same words funny and we have our own jokes. When this happen, life is indeed beautiful for a moment.

2000's Club penguin
Those were really great times. The artstyle in these era of Club penguin was top tier and the events on the island were just so good. I'll forever miss Club penguin, I don't know why but the whole 'stamp book' thing had a hold on me, like to this day I still see the shape of a Club penguin stamp and I immediately feel a sense of reward running through my body. I had a membership, so I could get my penguin all the pretty stuff and boy, it was fun. I remember my favourite games were the surfing one and the mining cart one. I'm happy I got to experience that.

Collecting little things
Since I was a little kid I have this passion for collecting little things and saved them in pretty boxes. Right know I have two tins (not Altoid wallets, but similar) where I save stuff like a colourful band aid one friend gifted me, my old milk teeth, a ring, buttons of all shapes ans little trinkets of previoes years. Also, this tin were personalized with my favourite stickers and colourful papers. It's just so comforting to save this little things and make them a tiny home. I really cannot explain how much I love to do this.

Watching 80s/90s movies in the afternoon
I love this feeling with all my heart, like it just makes me so happy to have a free afternoon and spending it watching movies from that decades. I could have a bad day, but if I have some free time, and I can watch like whatever 80s/90s movie I come across, my day will be immediately fixed. That's how I've discovered a couple of my favourites movies. I find it to be very comforting.

Everything about stickers it's just so perfect. When I was a kid I used to have like massives amounts of sticker sheets I saved for the right time (of course the right time never came) and I just entertained myself staring at the stickers. I had Hello Kitty stickers, Barbie stickers, Pucca Stickers and I don't remember what else. Nowadays I have a collection of stickers sheets that I use to decorate a little notebook. Maybe I could show some of those pages in my website, I don't know. Stickers with funky textures and smells where my favourites.

Sunsets are perfect. They are gifts of nature. There's no other moment of the day as perfect as dusk. The breeze when the sun is coming down is unmatched and the sunshine on the sea is simply beautiful. When I stare at a sunset, I feel peace growing up inside of me. It's like everything it's alright.

Smoking cigarretes
This is a newly acquired taste. I get when people are like "what's the point of inhaling flavored air?", but it's something you have to try to understand. When I started smoking it felt like this was the thing that it was missing. Maybe It's overrated, it's ok, but when I share a cigarrete with a friend, life does seem like a lot of fun.

Colourful clothes
These days everyone dresses the same, so I think I way I can differentiate myself from the others is to wear colourful clothes and believe me when I say it works. I genuinely enjoy doing it, it's so refreshing.

Random acts of kindness
You see, I'm not a very kind person if you ask me, I'm just cordial. I used to be kind, but I realized people saw me as a vulnerable person if I was that way (really fucked up, right?) and were rude with me.I know I shouldn't have changed, but I just cannot help it, I've let the world shape me in this cold carcass. When I see a random act of kindess from one person to another (not necessarily me), it's like something inside me melts, it's like I gain hope. Then for a moment I can think like "wow, not everyone in this world is rotten" and life can be wonderful that way. I love when that happens.

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